Healthy Families Webinar

There has been a recent influx of new information around health, healing, wellness, and protecting our bodies. As we discover what really “surrounds” us, and why it’s so hard to truly stay healthy in today’s environment, it’s important to know the facts to make the most informed decisions. Most of the information in this workshop will be new to you! Don’t be afraid to learn new things, and make better decisions moving forward. Find out the tools your family (especially students!) really needs to be the healthiest and most vibrant.

Dr. Brenda has spent the past 20 years learning and re-learning what it means to truly be healthy. As she continues to grow and evolve, she loves to share her new information with her community. Her recent discoveries are fueling her even more to share the truth and drop knowledge to those who are willing to learn.

Get signed up for this workshop and you will never look at life the same way.

Register here today!

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