Why Chiropractic during the holidays?
Did you know that the “Holiday Madness” actually goes against EVERYTHING our bodies want to be doing this time of year??

It took me YEARS to really figure out why I was stressed, sick, uncomfortable and inflamed this time of year.
It finally dawned on me that I wasn’t listening to my body… or my soul.
Please don’t think of your family’s chiropractic appointments as another thing to just cross off an already overflowing To-Do List. Reframe it as the reason you GET to show up for all the fun things you want to do!
5 Vital Reasons for Chiropractic During the Holidays:
1) Stress! You don’t need to be the brightest bulb on the tree to understand how stress negatively impacts your health, and how it compounds this time of year. Getting the perfect gifts, holiday planning, finances, losing loved ones, family dynamics, travel, illness, too many places to be at once, dealing with weather–it all adds up. While chiropractic adjustments won’t fix all the problems with your in-laws, they will help your body better handle stress, and adapt to situations in a healthier way. Getting you out of fight of flight is crucial to enjoying any type of holiday magic. And decreasing the negative impacts of the stress response is vital to help other areas, like sleep, digestion and immune system health. Don’t skip your appointments!
2) Immune System! There are many reasons why we tend to get sick more this time of year–less vitamin D and fresh air, stress, sugar, boozy holiday drinks, poor diet. Our nervous systems control everything in our body, and if we constantly putting our nervous systems under pressure with some of these things, it has a harder time using it’s resources to keep us healthy. While getting colds once in awhile is helpful to “take out the trash”, we don’t want to be constantly sick. Getting regular adjustments keeps your immune cells strong and robust, making it easier to defend against the crud. Plus, balancing the nervous system with chiropractic can improve sleep, help with digestion, and aid in detoxification, which are all important to a stronger immune system. Break the sick cycle with regular chiropractic for the family!
3) Slow down… Sometimes we need a reminder to slow down and take a pause. This is the time of year we should be hibernating and turning inward. When we are going full throttle while the rest of the natural world rests, our innate intelligence signals DANGER and puts us into sympathetic stress mode. Adrenaline, cortisol, sugar crashes, anxiety, depression…these are all signs we are working against our natural rhythms. Chiropractic adjustments bring the parasympathetic part of the nervous system (rest, digest, relax) back online. It’s a good reminder to go with the flow of what our bodies need this time of year, instead of fighting against the current.
4) Physical Stress– Snow shoveling, slips on ice, white knuckled driving on slippery roads. These are all physical stressors to an already worn out and inflamed body. When you have overdone it physically, your body may be screaming at you to get in. But you don’t have to wait until you’re miserable. Staying in stronger physical health proactively can your body adapt when you need to put it to work, or bounce back quicker from a set back. Having regular appointments on the books can make physical disruptions more manageable.
5) Nervous System Regulation… Say what?? Basically, many of the things happening this time of year go against our innate wisdom, and cause our nervous systems to deregulate or stress out. The hustle and bustle, the non-stop events, alcohol, excess sugar, the artificial lights, the pressure to hit deadlines before the end of the year. When we get dysregulated, many systems in our body suffer. Sleep, digestion, skin, detox, immune, inflammation, endocrine/hormonal, mental health. There is a disconnect between brain and body communication and suddenly nothing is working properly anymore. Yes, we absolutely need to say NO to some things, and restructure our daily lives to be more supportive to what Mother Nature is guiding us towards. But we need to have proper brain-body flow to keep us healthy. So make sure you spend time learning to keep your nervous system happy so it can keep the rest of your body healthy.
*BONUS* You may still have some unused Flex Plan funds to use up before the end of the year as well. This is a great time to plan ahead for 2025, and put money into a health savings you can use for chiropractic benefits!
Chiropractic adjustments (single or in packages) make GREAT holiday gifts! Patients really appreciate family and friends get them chiro to show how much they care. And there are still Gift of Health Coupons available until January 31st!
Do yourself a festive favor–Book your holiday appointments here, and grab a chiro package the next time you’re in. Your holiday body will greatly appreciate it!
**Holiday Office Hours** Open Thursday December 19th 11-6, Friday December 20th 8:30-12:30, Monday December 23rd 8:30-4. Closed December 24th-26th. Open Friday December 27th 8:30-12:30, Monday December 30th 8:30-4. Closed December 31st and January 1st.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!