Holistically Caring for the Special Needs of Pregnant Women, Children & Their Families

Hello! My name is Dr. Brenda Trudell, DC, CACCP, and first of all, I would like to thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day and visiting our website and expressing your interest to know about New Beginning Chiropractic. I hope that you find the information listed here helpful and interesting. As a female chiropractor, I understand the special circumstances surrounding women’s health. Men and women are not created equal, and I think it is important to acknowledge that in the healthcare world. I strive to find the most current healthcare information to help all of my patients.
I am a chiropractor practicing prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. I have had an independent practice here for over 15 years, and love working with pregnant women, babies, and their families. I became interested in prenatal and pediatric chiropractic while attending chiropractic school at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. While there, we had a class on chiropractic obstetrics and gynecology (adjusting pregnant women and infants). I became interested in working with pregnant women because of the powerful influence chiropractic can have on pregnancy. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments can help with so much during pregnancy! In addition to my training at Palmer, I am certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) in the Webster's Technique; Certified by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP), completed Advanced Perinatal Certification through the ICPA, am working towards the Pediatric Diplomate through the ICPA; have taken doula training and advanced doula positioning classes through Doulas of North America (DONA); was published in Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine in 2019; sat on the board of directors of the Breast Feeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin 2013-2015; was the founder and co-leader of the Holistic Moms Network-South Central Wisconsin Chapter from 2008-2012; co-taught the Intuitive Birth Class for expectant parents; have taught workshops on chiropractic during pregnancy/pediatrics for local groups and businesses (Babies R' Us, Happy Bambino, Isthmus Acupuncture, La Leche League of Rock County; Boys and Girls Club, ARC, Ancient Healing); have written articles on prenatal and pediatric chiropractic for local and online publications (Sustainable Times, Natural Awakenings, Round About Town, The Kathleen Show); sat on a panel for a screening of the Business of Being Born; and have attended many continuing education classes on prenatal and pediatric chiropractic adjusting techniques (including infant cranial), nutrition, childhood immune systems, and workshops on breast feeding and skin-to- skin contact.
I am very involved in the birthing community in the greater Madison area and work with many doulas, midwives, medical doctors, lactation consultants, and childbirth educators. As a mother myself, I have learned even more and use my personal experience to help moms and babies. Working with pregnant women, babies and kids is my passion, and it shows in all aspects of my professional work. Our office is outfitted to be very pregnancy and child-friendly. We encourage moms to breastfeed or pump where ever they feel comfortable, and can also offer private areas if preferred. We have multiple play areas, and a lending library filled with books on pregnancy, natural remedies, immune system development, nutrition, etc. I also use special and safe equipment designed for pregnant women and babies to ensure the most comfortable adjustments. We also have a Prenatal Resource Station in our office, with information on everything from doulas to lactation consultants. I would like to start by telling you a little bit about myself and how I became interested in chiropractic. I am originally from Sauk City, WI, and graduated from Sauk Prairie high school in 1995. I attended UW-Madison and it was there that I became interested in chiropractic. I had been involved in a couple of car accidents and suffered from severe TMJ, or jaw problems, and daily headaches. At the time I was deciding between Physician Assistant school or Pharmacy school and was completing my undergraduate requirements. I got very ill my junior year of college, and for six months I was shuttled from doctor to doctor and put on many different prescriptions and inhalers, although none of them helped and no one could really tell me what was wrong. In the meantime, I could hardly make it to class and was in so much pain from my headaches and TMJ problems that I thought I would have to leave school for a while. It was at that time I returned to my chiropractor and with two adjustments my whole world improved! My pain decreased dramatically and I was able to stop taking Advil every day. My illnesses started to go away and I was able to walk to class without being out of breath. Everything started to function better and I could think more clearly as I could now stop taking the prescriptions I had been on. I had many discussions with my chiropractor about everything that happened, and he told me it was the power of chiropractic, and that my body had been given the chance to do what it does best: to heal itself. I decided then and there that I was going to be a chiropractor and switched my major.
After all this, I had another experience that was truly life-changing and sealed the deal for me. About one month before I was to move to Iowa for chiropractic school, I had a terrible accident. I fell 35 ft while rock climbing at Devil’s Lake. As I was falling, all I could think about was that I wasn’t going to be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a chiropractor because I was going to be paralyzed. After I fell and realized I was alive and could move, I was amazed to discover that I hadn’t broken anything, although I could barely move my right shoulder. My brother Brad, who was there with me and witnessed the whole thing, got me down the rest of the hill and took me to the emergency room. The doctor took x-rays of my shoulder and found that it wasn’t broken but it was injured pretty badly and would take a number of weeks to heal. He gave me some pain pills and sent me home with a note to be excused from work. I called my chiropractor that night and told him what happened. He told me to come there to see him the next day. I was really banged up and in a lot of pain, but he adjusted me and I immediately felt some relief. I came in the next day to get adjusted and felt even better. I had to stop taking the pain pills because I was having an allergic reaction and they were making me itch, but it didn’t matter because his adjustments gave me so much relief that I didn’t need them! I was still sore and bruised, but my range of motion had improved and I could tell I was healing very quickly. I was back to work 6 days after the accident, and able to work out again just 3 weeks after it! I couldn’t believe how lucky I was, first, to be alive and not paralyzed, and second, that I went to a chiropractor and got my body realigned so that it could heal itself, without the use of drugs or surgery. I knew it had to be some kind of sign, telling me that I had made the right decision about going to chiropractic school. I moved to Iowa and started classes that fall and I have never looked back. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

Palmer College of Chiropractic: Graduated Feb 2006 Doctor of Chiropractic Degree, Magna Cum Laude
University Of Wisconsin-Madison: Graduated Dec 2000 Bachelor of Arts-Psychology
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Parts I-IV
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Physiotherapy
Wisconsin State License through Wisconsin Chiropractic Examining Board, April 2006
Wisconsin State Nutritional Certificate 2008
Webster Certification through the ICPA, 2006, 2016
Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) 2019
Perinatal Certification through ICPA in 2021

International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)
Doulas of North America (DONA)
Doulas of South Central Wisconsin
Children’s Community School Board of Directors
The National Wellness Foundation
Mount Horeb Chamber of Commerce
Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin
Holistic Pediatric Association
Sacro-Occipital Technique Association
American Holistic Health Association
American Pregnancy Association
Currently Becoming Certified in
SOT, SOT Peds, SOT Cranial
Pediatrics Diplomate –a 3 yr post-graduate curriculum specifically designed for treating pregnant women, infants, and children.
Dr. Trudell is available for talks with groups on many different topics. Please contact the office for details or with any questions.