March Madness
We are making our way through winter, and spring is officially in sight!
March is Colic Awareness Month–stay tuned all month long for tidbits on dealing with colic, and learn how chiropractic can help your kiddo (and you!) Watch for blogs, lives, emails and reels! (make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!)
**Remember that we will be closed March 1st-4th, and will open on March 5th at 2:00 pm. We will also be open on Saturday, March 9th from 9-12.
It’s officially SPRING on March 19th, and we will be celebrating with Half Off Sauna Sessions March 18-22nd! Sessions must be used that week, but come as many times as you’d like! Book your 1/2 off sesh here!
We are looking forward to a delightful spring, and would love to help you and your family on your journey to health! This is a great time of year prepare your body for increased physical activity; get ahead of spring allergies; and focus on balancing your nervous system to help detox after stress/sugar/processed foods/being indoors. NBC has many tools for overall health and healing, and we would love to partner with you. We know that great health doesn’t come from “luck”, but from being proactive and making informed choices about what’s best for your family.
Happy Spring!!